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Allergies & Dietary Needs

Retreat Leaders Information

At Texas Elks Camp on Texoma, we are committed to making reasonable accommodations for food allergies/dietary needs for any of our schools participating in our Outdoor Education Program.

These accommodations are also made for retreats and summer camps.

Below is our step process for accommodating guests/campers with special food allergies/dietary needs.

  1.    The event contact person will have the school nurse provide the list of children and their food allergies/dietary needs.

  2.   When a school is coming to Camp the Program Director requests a list of students with food allergies/dietary needs from the event contact person prior to their group’s arrival.   
         â€‹â€‹â€‹a. The Program Director then forwards this list to the Food Service Director.


  3.  If there is a menu request due to dietary needs the Food Service Director is contacted for Menus. Examples of food allergies/dietary needs are vegetarians, diabetic, gluten-free, eggs, milk, soy, peanut-free, etc. As an example: A peanut-free environment can be provided if requested by the school. The Food Service Director will contact the parents to answer any questions that are unable to be addressed by the Program Director.

  4.  When each student with food allergies/dietary needs arrives, they are provided a red wristband that notes the student’s name and food allergy/dietary need.
        a. At their 1st meal, they are introduced to the Food Service staff. The food allergy/dietary need is discussed with each child. The child is asked to leave the red wristband on throughout their stay. This identifies them for each meal.          b. If food supplements are necessary a child may bring their own food labeled with the name of the child, date, and meal to be served for.


  5. A salad bar is also provided at all meals. This includes a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.

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